Ewa Swietliczko, a member of JCI Cosmopolis, attended the JCI Regatta as part of the Finnish team.”
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the event the 2020 edition of the event did not take place. The JCI Regatta organized in 2021 was one of the few live events organized that year.
During the event, I got some valuable insights about JCI as I am a new member who joined close to the end of 2019. I also managed to improve my sailing skills.
JCI from the Netherlands has been organizing regatta events for 10 years. In 2021, around 26 teams from all around Europe, including 2 teams from Finland, competed.
It was a great experience to sail with the Finnish team for one week. Every day we would participate in a race and then, in the evening, we would have a nice dinner or an auction at a different harbour in Croatia. It was a great experience to bond with a team on the boat and meet Jaycees from all around Europe. From my perspective, the regatta was even more unique because it was the first event of this kind in which I participated since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Boat racing is also a great way to improve one’s team work capacity and leadership skills which are close to JCI core.
I believe all people keen on boat racing should attend the JCI regatta at least once to meet members from different local organizations in Finland and Europe. All this bonding happens as we sail along pristine Croatian coastlines.
I will remember the regatta as a place where I made many new friends and I learned more about the JCI.
Come and see for yourself at the 2022 regatta!